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set of 3 storage pg-37 programmable accessory centos linux 7.3 final release! [debian] iso md5 q: how do i fix this error: ``unexpected a statement at end of file`` i tried to compile this: #include int main() { return 0; } by using the command: g++ main.cpp which i read is the following: $g++ main.cpp but it returns: gcc main.cpp main.cpp:1:2: error: expected ‘;’, ‘,’ or ‘)’ before ‘return’ i don't know what to do. i'm using g++/debian 6.3.1 a: #include using namespace std; int main() { return 0; } [a clinical and experimental study of the cytologic characteristics of early gastric carcinoma. iii. cytology of the contents of the gastric veins]. we studied the cytologic characteristics of the contents of gastric veins in four cases of stomach cancer, using the cell collection system (c.c.s.) as a specimen. we confirmed the occurrence of tumor cells in the veins in all four cases. the smears were usually prepared when the blood in the gastric veins was collected over approximately 6 hours (from 1 to 2 to 2 to 3 p.m.). the morphological characteristics of the cells in the veins were different from those in the blood. in our specimens, the main cells were lymphocytes and this was consistent with the lymphocyte counts in the venous blood. we did not observe round cells in the veins. since only the contents of the veins were examined, other pathological features of the cancer may have been overlooked. these results suggest that the cytology of the contents of the veins can be used as a diagnostic tool for detecting the presence of early gastric cancer.q: creating a new key with.createbucket() but doesn't exist yet in firestore returns null i'm trying to create a new document in my firestore database, but my key doesn't exist yet. this is my code: var ref = firebase.firestore().collection('users').doc(this.userid).collection('favorites').doc(); var key = await ref.createbucket(null); so as the database is empty and the doc is created once we insert any document, i assume key will always be null. the key var displays the new created doc. but the firebase.firestore() method returns null. what is wrong with my code? edit: if i only call ref.collection(null).doc(), everything goes ok, but i can't call this method because it returns "cannot call 'collection' before 'where'". this is my code: firebase.collection("users").collection("favorites").add(objref.getsnapshot(), res); a: i believe the method you are referring to is firebase.collection(collectionname).doc(docid); here collectionname is not required because docid can be used as collectionname. in your code firebase. 3d9ccd7d82